he lost everything and made $180m back

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Read time: 3 minutes

Morning Tribe Members,

Have your coffee on hand this morning? Alright, let’s start.

No! Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try


Content 1:

Brett the founder of DesignJoy shares his story on an exciting business model. That I had never heard of and shared his setup and how everything works. Pretty cool to see how he makes 1.3 million a year with just a few software tools.

Content 2:

Such an inspiring story, how Rafa Martinez born in El Salvador at the height of the civil war went to the US and worked hard for a better life for his parents and himself.

Content 3:

That’s all for now

See you next week at 10 AM

Your Amigo


P.S. 3 Ways I Can Help